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Part 1

Part 2




The delicate balance of Earth's ecosystems is increasingly under threat due to human activities, prominently manifested in the ongoing issue of deforestation. This practice, involving the widespread clearing of forests for various purposes, has profound implications for biodiversity, climate regulation, and the well-being of both local and global communities.


Forests, often referred to as the lungs of the Earth, play a crucial role in mitigating climate change. They act as carbon sinks, absorbing large amounts of carbon dioxide during photosynthesis and storing it in their biomass. When trees are cut down or burned, this stored carbon is released back into the atmosphere, contributing to the greenhouse effect and global warming. Deforestation, therefore, exacerbates climate change by increasing greenhouse gas concentrations.


Biodiversity, the variety of life on Earth, is intimately connected to forests. They harbor an astonishing array of plant and animal species, many of which are endemic and found nowhere else. When forests are cleared, these species lose their habitats, leading to population declines and, in some cases, extinction. The interconnected web of life in forests is disrupted, affecting everything from pollination to nutrient cycling, with cascading impacts on ecosystems.

Deforestation is often driven by human activities such as logging, agriculture expansion, and infrastructure development. The demand for timber, agricultural land, and urban expansion puts immense pressure on forests, leading to large-scale clearing. While these activities may provide short-term economic gains, the long-term consequences are severe, including soil erosion, loss of water quality, and increased vulnerability to natural disasters.


Addressing the challenge of deforestation requires a multifaceted approach. Sustainable forestry practices, including selective logging and reforestation, aim to balance human needs with environmental preservation. Implementing and enforcing stringent regulations on land use, particularly in ecologically sensitive areas, is vital. Additionally, promoting alternative livelihoods that do not rely on forest destruction, such as agroforestry and eco-tourism, can offer sustainable solutions.


The global community plays a pivotal role in combating deforestation. International cooperation is essential to address the transboundary nature of the issue and to promote responsible practices in the global supply chain. Consumer awareness and support for sustainably sourced products contribute to market-driven solutions that encourage responsible forest management.


In conclusion, the fight against deforestation is a critical component of broader efforts to achieve environmental sustainability. Balancing human needs with the preservation of ecosystems is a complex task, but with concerted global efforts, we can strive to ensure that future generations inherit a planet rich in biodiversity and resilient to the challenges of a changing climate.


Part 3


What (1) ________ the two most important new inventions of the 21st century? Here is what I think. The first is the autonomous car. This is a car that (2) ____________ not need a driver. These cars are not allowed on public roads (3) ___________ the moment. How long will it (4) ___________ before they appear in our cities? No one knows (5) _______ sure, but Nissan and Google, for example, expect to begin selling their driverless cars (6) _______ 2020. The second is Facebook. Now (7) ___________ two billion people (more than 2,000,000,000) use the website every month. It is the most popular social media site (8) ___________ the internet. People use it to keep in contact with their friends. They also use it to get news. This can be a problem because not all the news on social media websites (9) ____________ true. What _______(10) you think? Do you agree with my choices?

Part 4

Most young people are active on social media. What are the advantages and disadvantages of social media use for teenagers?

Questions 1-57

Choose the correct letter A, B, C or D.

Choose the correct answers from the given options.

. The Nile river and Amazon river are __________longest rivers in the world.

. __________ the only students who have delivered their presentations about global warning on time.

. Studying abroad ___________ you to meet people from different backgrounds.

. Ahmed loves _______ basketball. He thinks Michael Jordan is ___________ best basketball player.

. A __________ informational developments have taken place during the past decade

. __________ are my partners, Ahmed and Saeed

. Our new neighbours held a gathering in their house. We could not sleep last night because there was __________ noise.

. Would anybody like ____________ cup of tea?

. He was only ____________ faster than the second contestant.

. I’ll buy two burgers. you can have one, and I’ll have ____________.

. There is ___________ juice left in the bottle.

. Who took ______________ books?

. This idea is _________perfect! I love it!

. Can I have __________ more of that tomato soup? It’s delicious.

. This is the apartment in ___________ I live.

. We all make mistakes, so don’t cry over spilled ___________.

. Not ___________ members attended the weekly meeting this afternoon.

. The pot was __________ hot, so we couldn’t touch it.

. Two people were ____________ injured in the car crash.

. My brother is an architect. ______________ works at home

. We have __________ bread left. we can make sandwiches.

. I met our new classmate. _____________ is from Tunisia

. _____________ words made me so happy and proud.

. I remember the time ____________ we went to the mountains and had so much fun together.

. I usually go out with my friends _________ Friday evenings.

. Please wait for me. I will be back ____ one o’ clock.

. You’d better change your clothes. They are _______ casual to be worn for a job interview.

. We should all help the people __________ houses were destroyed by the hurricane.

. At the gathering, I saw Jack, but he gave me the cold shoulder. I turned away and pretended to be busy with my partners. “He gave me the cold shoulder” means:

. We _______ to go on a picnic this weekend.

. At six thirty this morning, I ______ in the park when I saw an old friend.

. I’m not interested in watching that movie. I __________ it before

. By the time I retire, I ___________ in this company for 15 years.

. Rubbish has _________ at the speaker by the angry audience.

. The Egyptian swimmer ____________ finish the race in less than three minutes last week.

. When I lived in Spain, I ____________ go outdoors often because the weather there was too sunny and hot.

. You _________ have a teaching certificate to get this teaching position. you won’t get the job without a certificate

. My future children __________ blue eyes

. The police officer firmly said, ‘ You ___________ your car in front of the entrance to the garage”.

. where would you travel if you __________ afford to travel?

. My favorite singer has won a Best Singer Award three times, __________ she is expected to win another one this year.

. _________ I was packing my bags, I got a phone call from my friend telling me that her father had passed away

. Can you look ________ my plants for me while I’m travelling?

. We ran across some old pictures of my grandparents while cleaning the basement. I never knew we had those pictures! what is the meaning of ‘ran across’?

. Mr. and Mrs. Black get along with each other. They agree on almost everything. What is the meaning of “get along”?

. I found a ________ suit yesterday. I am considering buying it.

. The person sitting behind us was acting ______________. We had to call security.

. Your creative writing should be dynamic and _____________.

. which sentence is correct?

. Nadia was rude to me last month. when we saw each other again, she tried to sweep that incident under the rug. The best meaning for ‘sweep under the rug’ is:

. Let’s not judge people quickly. Put yourself in her shoes before you criticize her. which best expresses the meaning of ‘put yourself in her shoes’ as used in the sentence?

. Only one of the four following sentence is correct. choose the correct one

. His father __________ of him travelling in the summer with friends. He wanted him to travel with the family. (approved)

. Students at university will get a warning for any _______ clothes. (appropriate)

. The car has many _________ features that my father was looking for, including a sunroof, leather seats, and a GPS system and all for a good price. (attract)

. On our last vacation, we went to several old _________ sites. Some of them date back more than 500 years ago. (history)

. Many ________ cities like Cairo and Rome still exist today.

Questions 58-60

Drag and Drop your answers

Make a correct sentence with the following jumbled words

. cooking / hobby / is / his / and / experimenting / with / new / recipes

Questions 58-60

Drag and Drop your answers

60. Make a correct sentence with the following jumbled words

. friends / with / weekend / my / spending / looking / forward / I'm / to / the

Questions 58-60

Drag and Drop your answers

Make a correct sentence with the following jumbled words

. forgot / she / the / keys / at / home / this / morning

Questions 61 - 70

Choose the correct letter A, B, C or D.

Read the passage and answer the following questions

. What is the primary role of forests in mitigating climate change, as mentioned in the passage?

. What happens to the stored carbon when forests are cut down or burned?

. How does deforestation impact biodiversity?

. What are some human activities driving deforestation, according to the passage?

. What are the long-term consequences of deforestation mentioned in the passage?

. What is suggested as a sustainable solution to address deforestation?

. How can sustainable forestry practices contribute to addressing deforestation?

. What is emphasized as a vital aspect of addressing deforestation in ecologically sensitive areas?

. What is mentioned as a potential consequence of deforestation related to water quality?

. How can the global community contribute to combating deforestation, according to the passage?

Questions 71 - 80

Drag and Drop your answers

Read the given passage and fill in the blanks with the correct options. Use the words in the box to complete the text. There are two extra words

. (1)

. (2)

. (3)

. (4)

. (5)

. (6)

. (7)

. (8)

. (9)

. (10)



Part 1

    Question 1-60

Part 2

    Question 61-70

Part 3

    Question 71-80

Part 4

    Question 81-81