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Part 1

Part 2

Scientists believe 1. _________ an important key to living a long, healthy life is eating enough fruit and vegetables. Until now, doctors in Britain suggested that adults need to eat five portions a day – that’s 400 grams. However,2.  _________ now believe that we 3. _________ try to eat double that, in other words at least 800 grams of fruit and vegetables a day. Doing so could reduce the chance of getting many types of diseases such as cancer and heart disease by as much 4. _________ a third. To do this is not easy for most people. 800 grams is a lot – you need 5.  _________ eat four or five pieces of fruit as well as lots of vegetables. One way to achieve this is to change snacks such as chocolate bars or packets of crisps for an item of fruit, like an apple or 6. _________ banana. If you can make this into a habit, you will be a long way towards your goal. Another way is to cut the amount of rice or pasta you eat with a meal and replace it with a salad 7. _________ extra vegetables. Some of these, like carrots, can be quite filling. After 8. _________ weeks, most people get used to a healthier diet and stop wanting to eat unhealthy snacks between meals. But even if you find the idea of 800 grams a day too much, even 200 grams will make an important difference to your future health. So why  9. _________ try changing that chocolate biscuit you have in your morning break 10. _________ a nice apple, and that soft drink for a fresh orange juice.

Part 3

A Good Night’s Sleep

 A study by the Sleep Council in the UK reports that the average person sleeps for six and a half hours a night. So, we might all feel a little tired the next day, but is this lack of sleep really that bad for us? The answer is yes. The 2013 study showed that people who get more than seven hours’ sleep a night are healthier than people who get less. So, the old wisdom is true – sleeping is good for our health. 

Several other studies also show that too little sleep is bad for us. For example, a University of Surrey research project, also from 2013, studied seven people’s sleep for two weeks. The head of the research team, Dr Archer, reports that we have problems when we sleep for under 7 hours. When we do not sleep enough, parts of our brain are more active. Some of these have connections with diseases such as diabetes and cancer, and could give us health problems in the future. 

It is not only adults who need more sleep. While adults and older teenagers need around 8 hours sleep a night, younger children need more. For example, a nine-year-old needs to sleep for about 10 hours, and a five-year-old needs 11 hours or more. Children who do not sleep enough are tired for most of the time, which is a major problem during childhood, as this is when their brains are developing and they are receiving education; they need to be wide awake to make best use of this period of their lives. However, not getting enough sleep causes other problems for children too.

 Research conducted in 2013 by University College London (UCL) studied more than 10,000 children to discover links between sleep and behavior. The research shows that children with regular bedtimes and enough sleep behave much better during the day. However, children who went to bed at different times every day and slept for fewer hours had more problems with concentration and focus. Professor Kelly, from UCL, argues that these sleep problems could have a serious effect on a person’s health and behavior later in life, not only in childhood. 

In the modern world it can be difficult to have family routines. Home is not always a restful place; there is increasing pressure from schools for children to do hours of homework every evening, many children have access to the distraction of internet entertainment, and many parents have jobs that require one or both of them to stay at work for long hours, past children’s bedtimes. However, the two studies show how important it is for children to have regular bedtimes and enough sleep. These two things clearly affect their health, both now and in the future.

Part 4

Time limit: 30 minutes

 Write 200 – 250 words on the following topic: 

“Many people nowadays are concerned that young children spend too much time using technology. In your opinion, should parents restrict the amount of time that their children are allowed to spend using technology? Why or why not?”

Questions 1-28

Choose the correct letter A, B, C or D.

. I think there ____ too _____ students in my class.

. I _____ swim fast when I was young.

. If we went to the shopping mall, we_______ all our money.

. My brothers don’t enjoy _______________ television; they prefer playing games.

. ______________ on holiday last year?

. ________does the film start at 8.30 or 9.00?

. China ______________ Italy

. Hamad is ___________ student in the class.

. Look at___________ children over there – they are having fun!

. I am interested ____ science, so I am going to study it at university.

. Do you want ________ to my party next weekend?

. _____________ students in the classroom?

. You need to ___________ with your homework – we have to finish it by tomorrow.

. The exam was a ___________. I got full marks – ten out of ten!

. Come on, you’re late – you need to ___________!

. Many countries in Africa__________ health issues

. Where _____________the match?

. My sisters are going to the shops, but I am not going with ___________.

. For the exam tomorrow, all students ___ bring a laptop and pencil

. My sister ____________ a new job last week.

. I will come and see you if I _________ to your country next year

. Please________ before you go to bed.

. _________ cook dinner for the family?

. ___________you mind driving me home today, please?

. James has _________ money, but he doesn’t have many friends.

. I have two cars, a Nissan and a Toyota, but I don’t often drive ______ Nissan because it’s old.

. At five o’clock yesterday afternoon I ___________ television when suddenly my phone rang.

. I am staying at home today ___________ the rain.

Questions 31-60

Choose the correct letter A, B, C or D.

. I’m happy to say that there is a great ___________in your homework – well done.

. Sorry, I forgot to ___________ that I am going out for lunch tomorrow.

. This lemon drink tastes ________. I don’t like it.

. I love to sit outside and feel the _______ of the sun on my face.

. This phone I bought is broken, so I will ask the shop to __________ it for a new one.

. My father told a funny ___________ about a time when he was at school.

. I saw a ________ between two groups of teenagers, but nobody was hurt badly.

. To be _________ as a football player, you have to train very hard every day.

. My teacher is ________ old – I thought he was only about 45, but he is nearly 60.

. I like to live by the ________, so I can walk along the beach every morning.

. My wife and I really ________ the flowers you sent for our anniversary – thank you!

. The nurse stuck a ________ in my arm to get blood for the test.

. My company is the biggest _________ of pencils in the country – we make 100,000 a year.

. Humans cannot _________without water for more than a few days.

. The boy walked around______ before the race, because he really wanted to win.

. The _________ of the company is planning to make changes next year.

. I can’t _____between those two boys – they look exactly the same to me.

. We live in a _______ village, so every week we drive to town to see friends and go shopping.

. I got ____ on my shoe in science class, and it’s made a hole in it.

. There is a serious _____ in the information – the capital of Italy is Rome, not Madrid.

. My daughter is looking ______ - I think she may be ill.

. I don’t understand why people enjoy watching ____ in movies rather than something nice.

. Can you _____ the vegetables while I prepare the rice?

. It is a very serious _________ to drive without a licence.

. The price of computers fell ______ last year, by about 30% in some shops.

. My new watch is made of _______.

. We have a _____ of 2000 dollars for books and pencils this year.

. I know you are tired, but please don’t _____ in class.

. You shouldn’t ______ people of stealing if you don’t know they did it.

. Doctors want to find a cheap_____ for this illness, because it affects a lot of people.

Questions 29-30

Drag and Drop your answers

. __ __ ___ ___ ____ ____ in this school?

Questions 29-30

Drag and Drop your answers

. My father ____ much ____ ____ ____ ____ my friend

Questions 61 -70

Drag and Drop your answers

Write the correct word in each space. There are two extra words.

. 1

. 2

. 3

. 4

. 5

. 6

. 7

. 8

. 9

. 10

Questions 71 - 80

Choose the correct letter A, B, C or D.

. What is the main point of the first paragraph?

. According to the article, who needs the most sleep?

. How much sleep does a 9-year-old need?

. How many children were in the study?

. What do children with different bedtimes have?

. Who works at University College London?

. Where is it difficult to have good bedtimes?

. In the final paragraph, what does them refer to?

. Which of these is not given as a difficulty for having routines?

. What is the main point of the text?



Part 1

    Question 1-60

Part 2

    Question 61-70

Part 3

    Question 71-80

Part 4

    Question 81-0