
Practice mode is suitable for improving accuracy and time spent on each part.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Questions 1 to 10

Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer

Complete the notes below.


Role ...............


Fordham ............ Centre


............ Road, Fordham


making ............. and reorganising them


maintaining the internal ...............


............ (essential)


a calm and ............... manner


........................ job further opportunities


hours: 7.45 a.m. to ................. PM


................ is available onsite
Questions 15 to 20

Choose the correct Letter, A-H

What information does the speaker give about each of the following areas of the museum?

. Four Seasons

. Farmhouse Kitchen

. A Year on the Farm

. Wagon Walk

. Bees are Magic

. The Pond

A Parents must supervise their children.
B There are new things to see.
C It is closed today.
D This is only for school groups.
E There is a quiz for visitors.
F It features something created by students.
G An expert is here today.
H There is a one-way system.
Questions 11 to 14

Choose the correct letter A, B or C.

. The museum building was originally

Choose the correct letter A, B or C.

. The university uses part of the museum building as

Choose the correct letter A, B or C.

. What does the guide say about the entrance fee?

Choose the correct letter A, B or C.

. What are visitors advised to leave in the cloakroom?

Questions 23 to 27

Choose the correct letter, A-G

Which comment do the students make about each of the following children in the video?

. Sid

. Jack

. Naomi

. Anya

. Zara

A demonstrated independence
B asked for teacher support
C developed a competitive attitude
D seemed to find the activity calming
E seemed pleased with the results
F seemed confused
G seemed to find the activity easy
Questions 28 to 30

Choose the correct letter A, B or C.

. Before starting an origami activity in class, the students think it is important for the teacher to

Choose the correct letter A, B or C.

. The students agree that some teachers might be unwilling to use origami in class because

Choose the correct letter A, B or C.

. Why do the students decide to use origami in their maths teaching practice?

Questions 21 to 22

Choose TWO letters

. Which TWO educational skills were shown in the video of children doing origami?

. Which TWO educational skills were shown in the video of children doing origami?

Questions 31 to 40

Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer

Complete the notes below.

. We know more about its overall ...............

. such as ............ and education.

. Victor Hugo had to live elsewhere in .............

. He used his income from the sale of some ............

. The ground floor contains portraits, ............

. He bought cheap ...........

. The first floor consists of furnished areas with wallpaper and ...............

. He wrote in a room at the top of the house that had a view of the ............

. He entertained other writers as well as poor ...............

. Victor Hugo's ............ gave ownership

Part 1

    Question 1-10

Part 2

    Question 11-20

Part 3

    Question 21-30

Part 4

    Question 31-40
  minutes remaining