
Practice mode is suitable for improving accuracy and time spent on each part.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Questions 1 to 10

Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer

Complete the notes below.

. an expanded section for books on ...........

. a new section on local ..............

. (also possible to ................

. a new section of books for ...................

. the next Science Club meeting: experiments using things from your ..............

. this Friday: a local author talks about a novel based on a real ...........

. IT support is available on Tuesdays - no .............

. free check of blood ..........

. the library shop sells wall-charts, cards and ...............

. evenings and weekends: free ....................

Questions 18 to 20

Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer

Complete the table below.

. also reduces ..............

. ............. control

. one holiday that is specially designed for ...............

Questions 15 to 17

Choose the correct letter A, B or C.

. How does BC Travel plan to expand the painting holidays?

Choose the correct letter A, B or C.

. Why are BC Travel's cooking holidays unusual?

Choose the correct letter A, B or C.

. What does the speaker say about the photography holidays?

Questions 11 to 12

Choose TWO letters

. Which TWO age groups are taking increasing numbers of holidays with BC Travel?

. Which TWO age groups are taking increasing numbers of holidays with BC Travel?

Questions 13 to 14

Choose TWO letters

. Which TWO are the main reasons given for the popularity of activity holidays?

. Which TWO are the main reasons given for the popularity of activity holidays?

Questions 21 to 26

Choose the correct Letter, A-H

Complete the flow-chart below.

. Locate and read relevant articles, noting key information and also ...............

. these may be site ............

. visitors or city .............

. Check whether .................

. Select relevant information and try to identify ...............

. Do NOT end with .................

A patterns
B names
C sources
D questions
E employees
F solutions
G headings
H officials
Questions 27 to 30

Choose the correct letter A, B or C.

. Natalie and Dave agree one reason why so few people visit Horton Castle is that

Choose the correct letter A, B or C.

. Natalie and Dave agree that the greatest problem with a visitor centre could be

Choose the correct letter A, B or C.

. What does Dave say about conditions in the town of Horton?

Choose the correct letter A, B or C.

. According to Natalie, one way to prevent damage to the castle site would be to

Questions 31 to 40

Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer

Complete the notes below.

. It has also recently been found to affect birds which feed on ...........

. the effects on birds' ................

. (usually learned from a bird's ................... )

. songs learned by birds exposed to mercury are less ..............

. this may have a negative effect on birds' ....................

. allow more ......................

. Migrating birds such as ................

. Mercury also causes problems in learning .....................

. Mercury in a mother's body from .................

. New regulations for mercury emissions will affect everyone's energy ..............

Part 1

    Question 1-10

Part 2

    Question 11-20

Part 3

    Question 21-30

Part 4

    Question 31-40
  minutes remaining