
Practice mode is suitable for improving accuracy and time spent on each part.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4


Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer


Contact phone: --------------------


Date of birth: --------------------


Occupation works as a: --------------------


Insurance company: --------------------


Type of problem: pain in her left --------------------


When it began: ------------------- ago


Sports played: belongs to a -------------------- club


goes --------------- regularly


Medical history: injured her --------------------


no regular medication apart from --------------------

Fill in the blanks

Label the plan below. Write the correct letter A-H next to questions 16-20.

. Starting point for walking the walls

. Bow and arrow display

. Hunting birds display

. Traditional dancing

. Shop


Choose the correct letter A, B or C.

Visit to Branley Castle

. Before Queen Elizabeth I visited the castle in 1576


Choose the correct letter A, B or C.

. In 1982, the castle was sold to


Choose the correct letter A, B or C.

. In some of the rooms, visitors can


Choose the correct letter A, B or C.

. In the castle park, visitors can


Choose the correct letter A, B or C.

. At the end of the visit, the group will have


Choose SIX answers from the box and write the correct letter, A-H

What action will the students take for each of the following sections of their presentation?

. Introduction

. Discovery of the mammoth tooth

. Initial questions asked by the researchers

. Further research carried out on the island

. Findings and possible explanations

. Relevance to the present day

A make it more interactive
B reduce visual input
C add personal opinions
D contact one of the researchers
E make detailed notes
F find information online
G check timing
H organise the content more clearly

Choose the correct letter A, B or C.

Woolly mammoths on St Paul’s Island

. How will Rosie and Martin introduce their presentation?


Choose the correct letter A, B or C.

. What was surprising about the mammoth tooth found by Russell Graham?


Choose the correct letter A, B or C.

. The students will use an animated diagram to demonstrate how the mammoths


Choose the correct letter A, B or C.

. According to Martin, what is unusual about the date of the mammoths’ extinction on the island?

31 - 40

Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer

The history of weather forecasting

. many cultures invented --------------

. people needed to observe and interpret the sky to ensure their --------------

. Babylonians started forecasting, using weather phenomena such as --------------

. by 300 BC, the Chinese had a calendar made up of a number of --------------

. Aristotle also described haloes and --------------

. many proverbs, e.g. about the significance of the colour of the --------------

. 15th century: scientists recognised value of --------------

. Galileo invented the --------------

. 18th century: Franklin identified the movement of --------------

. data from different locations could be sent to the same place by --------------

Part 1

    Question 1-10

Part 2

    Question 11-20

Part 3

    Question 21-30

Part 4

    Question 31-40
  minutes remaining